◎《附註》: 斯巴達克斯:競技場之神 全片有6集.
(1).第1集 (舊日過失) PAST TRANSGRESSIONS 00:51:14 792MB.
(2).第2集 (野心) MISSIO 00:54:56 728MB.
(3).第3集 (一家之長) PATERFAMILIAS 00:55:51 728MB.
(4).第4集 (面具之下) BENEATH THE MASK 00:52:44 732MB.
(5).第5集 (地位之爭) RECKONING 00:56:36 878MB.
(6).第6集 (苦澀之果) THE BITTER END 01:02:10 885MB.
Before Spartacus struck down his first opponent in the arena, there were many gladiators who passed though the gates onto the sand.'Spartacus: Gods of the Arena' tells the story of the original Champion of the House of Batiatus: Gannicus in a more ruthless time before Spartacus' arrival where honor was just finding its way into the arena.